High Density Props are those that have a large number of lights in a small amount of space, but more importantly they are designed in such a way that the lights are grouped together into what we call sub-models that allow us to create some very interesting light displays and movement.
Thanks to Mike F. all of our High Density props now have lights in them. If you have driven by the property you will see them hanging on the far NORTH building. They are the 3 large circles on the eave of the building. Mike also created the hanging bracket design that we used to give them some stability in their hanging.
The center black circle has 1400 seed pixels (lights). It is called an Infinity Spinner. The two white circles on either side contain 900 each of the older style standard 12mm pixels. They are called Mandala Lotus Flakes. Both styles were purchased (without lights in them) from CharleesProps. You might recall that Thomas from CharleesProps is the man behind our whale tails and the large Orcas that are now a focal point of the display. An interesting note… the Mandala Flake weighs in at almost 2x the Infinity due to the weight of the older style pixels.
Putting the lights into these props is NOT fun… at least not for me. You fingers get sore and it requires a level of concentration to make sure that you follow a VERY SPECIFIC path when you insert the pixel. (In the video below you may notice an error on one of the props… that I have since fixed. My wife tells me that no one notices this stuff but me…if you see it leave a comment. I still had to fix it.) I put the lights into two of the props over the summer, but without Mike’s help this year we would not have had the 3rd one… so thanks again Mike.
These videos are short snippets of the capabilities these props. You will see them fully integrated into most of the songs we have this year. These are only running at 10% brightness. If we had them at full brightness not only would you need to wear sunglasses but I would also need to consider other special power requirements. Please ignore the mess that is my Christmas shop. We are in crunch time and I have stuff everywhere… it is an organized chaos!